Health Value
HPIO’s biennial Health Value Dashboard is a tool to track Ohio’s progress toward health value — a composite measure of Ohio’s performance on population health outcomes and healthcare spending.
HPIO's work is objective, nonpartisan and driven by data and evidence.
HPIO’s biennial Health Value Dashboard is a tool to track Ohio’s progress toward health value — a composite measure of Ohio’s performance on population health outcomes and healthcare spending.
HPIO tools explore the health and wellbeing of Ohio’s youngest population, including specific policy options to improve the health of children and infants.
HPIO’s work on health equity focuses on policy options that eliminate health disparities and inequities across population groups so that every Ohioan has fair opportunities.
HPIO provides comprehensive research and analysis focused on the many factors that influence health.
HPIO’s sixth edition of the Health Value Dashboard is a tool to track Ohio’s progress toward improved health value.
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