
Advance evidence-informed policies that improve health, achieve equity, and lead to sustainable healthcare spending in Ohio.


Ohio is a model of health, well-being and economic vitality.


HPIO was created in 2003 by a collaborative of philanthropic leaders. These funders recognized the need for a statewide organization focused on independent, non-partisan health policy analysis.

HPIO is Ohio’s only nonpartisan organization dedicated solely to informing health policy decisions. HPIO’s independence from any particular sector, strong financial support from philanthropy and its knowledgeable staff enables the organization to be objective, responsive and driven by data and evidence.

Our Work

Federal, state and local public policy play an instrumental role in achieving health value. Policy change, as a complement to health programs and services, is a key lever to impacting healthcare spending and health outcomes.

HPIO’s work focuses on public policy decisions that can lead to improved health value. The Institute’s primary audience is public policymakers at the state and local level.

For many years HPIO’s work has centered on all of the factors that influence health, including racism and discrimination, community conditions, healthcare access and services, public health and prevention and collaboration among sectors.

The Health of Ohioans: What State Leaders Need to Know

Pathway to Impact

HPIO’s overarching goal of ensuring that every Ohioan reaches their full health potential influences the types of work in which we engage and the tactics we use.

Read Our Strategic Plan
The Pathway to Impact 2023-2025 chart describing HPIO's mission and vison, how the work influences outcomes and measure its success.

HPIO provides leadership and expertise through:

For more information about HPIO's work and strategic plan click here.

Diversity, Equity and Inclusion

HPIO is committed to advancing equity to ensure all Ohioans achieve their full health potential. We understand that achieving equity requires eliminating injustices and fostering a diverse, inclusive and accessible culture and environment.

HPIO statement on racism and health

HPIO’s commitment is rooted in an understanding that:

  • Systems, policies and beliefs unfairly favor some Ohioans over others.
  • Systematically disadvantaged communities face historical and contemporary obstacles to good health driven by racism, ageism, ableism, sexism, classism, xenophobia, homophobia, transphobia, and religious, geographic, and other forms of discrimination.
  • Individuals can be further negatively impacted when their identities intersect across systematically disadvantaged groups (e.g., Ohioan of color with a disability).
  • Diversity across perspectives, lived experiences and identities strengthens organizational culture and performance.

Our People

Board of Directors

View Board of Directors

Our People

Our Funders

View Our Funders

Work With Us

We can help you navigate a rapidly changing healthcare and public health environment to ensure you are making well-informed decisions that meet your goals and objectives.

Our staff’s diverse education and expertise enables us to provide high-quality analysis on a wide range of health policy issues.

Work With Us
A map of Columbus, Ohio

Our Location

HPIO’s offices are located in downtown Columbus

140 E. Town Street
Suite 1000 Columbus, Ohio 43215

Main Phone Number: