In recent years, rates of mental health conditions have increased among Ohio children and youth. Childhood mental health conditions are associated with an increased risk of chronic physical health conditions (e.g., diabetes, heart disease), continuing mental health problems and worse employment outcomes in adulthood. HPIO’s Child and Youth Mental Health Advisory Group will guide development of a series of four policy briefs.
HPIO’s child and youth mental health policy brief series
- Brief #1: Mental health conditions among Ohio children and youth - Presents prevalence data for mental health conditions among Ohio children and youth.
- Brief #2 will explore factors contributing to child and youth mental health challenges, including data, when available, on the extent to which these factors are present in Ohio.
- Brief #3 will focus on access to child and youth mental healthcare across the continuum of services.
- Brief #4 will examine health insurance coverage and cost/affordability of care and how they influence access to mental health services.
Advisory Group Meetings
Wednesday, February 19, 2025 from 2:00-3:00 pm (online via Zoom)
- Join link:
- Agenda (coming soon)
- Meeting materials (coming soon)
This work is funded by the Harmony Project and HPIO’s other core funders