Creating a financially prosperous Ohio
A chronological list of all HPIO publications, including briefs, fact sheets and reports
Data snapshot
Health in rural and Appalachian Ohio
Criminal Justice and Health
Social Drivers of Violent Crime
The latest in a series of publications on the link between criminal justice and health, the brief includes data and information on the structural and social drivers of violence.
Taking action to prevent adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) in Ohio
2024 Health Value Dashboard data brief
What's driving the trend on early death?
This brief explores the experiences and environments that lead to deaths among working-age Ohioans (ages 15-64) and provides a set of policies to drive improvement.
Moving toward Equity
Equity Evaluation Toolkit
This Toolkit is provides information about how to use evaluation to move towards equity. It includes guidance, tools and resources.
Addiction Evidence Project
There is evidence for what works to prevent, treat and recover from addiction.
Criminal Justice and Health
There are evidence-informed policy solutions to reduce incarceration and improve health in Ohio.
From Pilot to Policy
Taking lessons learned from promising health and human services pilot programs and developing policy and systems change.
Facts and figures
High-level overview of key facts from HPIO publications with downloadable slideshow graphics that stakeholders can use in their own publications and presentations.
Data graphics
HPIO creates brief analytical pieces to rapidly respond to issues of interest to state policymakers. Below are recent graphics. If used in presentations or reports, please cite the Health Policy Institute of Ohio as the source.