HPIO updates

Since its founding in 2003, HPIO has become the state’s trusted source of information and leadership on health policy issues. In the past, Ohio decision-makers often had to rely on data and analysis provided by interest groups with particular perspectives and agendas. HPIO’s mission is to provide nonpartisan, unbiased research, analysis and communication that enables policymakers to make the most informed decisions possible on matters that affect the health of all Ohioans.

Recent work

The Health Policy Institute of Ohio publishes a quarterly newsletter, HPIO Impact, to update its supporters on its recent work:


HPIO Impact 2023


HPIO Impact 2022


HPIO Impact 2021

Attend HPIO's inaugural statewide Health Policy Summit on Oct. 3, 2024

Join us for a day-long convening to learn about data-driven policy solutions to address Ohio’s greatest health challenges and support the development of new evidence through innovation.

Register now