Wednesday, October 2, 2019
9:30 am – 2:00 pm
Nationwide & Ohio Farm Bureau 4-H Center
Ohio State University
2201 Fred Taylor Dr.
Columbus, OH 43210
Free parking: Click here to download a parking permit
In Ohio and across the country, there is growing interest in encouraging healthy behaviors and promoting personal responsibility to improve health. This forum will explore the role policymakers and others can play in engaging people in their own health.
Speakers will address diverse perspectives on the issue, how community conditions impact our health choices and potential policy implications in Ohio.
Presentation slides:
- Medicaid Waivers and Healthy Behaviors: What do we know? Joan Alker, Executive Director/Co-Founder, Center for Children and Families and Research Professor, Georgetown University McCourt School of Public Policy
- Building and Sustaining a Culture and Environment of Wellbeing at Ohio State, Dr. Megan Amaya, Assistant Professor of Clinical Nursing and Director of Health Promotion and Wellness, Ohio State University College of Nursing
- Policy Opportunities to Reduce Healthcare Costs and Promote Healthy Behaviors in Ohio, Rep. Jim Butler, Ohio House of Representatives
- Advancing health equity in every community, Dr. Gary LeRoy, Associate Professor, Family Medicine and Associate Dean, Student Affairs and Admissions, Wright State University
- Managing Risk: Cleveland Clinic Employee Health Plan’s Use of Benefits, Incentives, Fitness, and Population Management to Bend the Trend on Cost and Utilization, Dr. Bruce Rogen, Chief Medical Officer, Cleveland Clinic Employee Health Plan
- Policy Opportunities to Reduce Healthcare Costs and Promote Healthy Behaviors in Ohio, Rep. Allison Russo, Ohio House of Representatives
- Medicaid Basics Closer Look: What Works to Improve Health Behaviors, Zach Reat, Director, Data Management and Analysis, HPIO
- Registration begins at 9 am, with program starting at 9:30 am
- No same day registration.
- Free parking provided at the Bill Davis Stadium lot.
- Click here to download a parking permit to display on the dashboard of your vehicle.
- Lunch will be served (vegetarian options available). Please email Alana Clark-Kirk ( with dietary restrictions.
- The forum general attendance fee is $65 (for additional fee options, please see the registration page).
Click here for a map to the Bill Davis Stadium parking lot
Free parking: Click here to download a parking permit
CLE reading materials
- National Institutes of Health: Responsibility for health: personal, social, and environmental
- National Institutes of Health: Socioeconomic Disparities in Health Behaviors
- JAMA: Structural Interventions for Addressing Chronic Health Problems
CLE credit: This course will be submitted to the Supreme Court of Ohio Commission on Continuing Legal Education for CLE credit to be approved for 3.25 hours of continuing legal education. In the event the application is not approved, the $30 CLE fee will be refunded.
CEU credit: This course was submitted to the National Association of Social Workers for CEU credit, and approved for 3.25 hours of social work CEUs.
Cancellation Policy: Cancellations must be made in writing to Alana Clark-Kirk ( The last day to cancel registration for a full refund is one week prior to the event (September 25, 2019). No refunds will be issued for cancellations received after September 25, 2019. If you do not send us written notification of cancellation prior to September 25, 2019, you will be required to remit the full amount of the registration fee. Those who do not remit payment will be required to pay in advance for any future events.
Note for State Employees and Legislators: The forum registration fee can be waived for all State of Ohio executive branch employees, legislators and staff. Please be advised that state employees, legislators and staff that are reportable persons with the Joint Legislative Ethics Committee (JLEC) should note that their attendance at the event is subject to JLEC disclosure if their forum registration fee is waived.
Reportable persons are required to file a financial disclosure form (FDS) with JLEC. If you are unsure whether or not you are reportable, please consult your legal counsel.
Thank you to our generous sponsors: