- Posted
- July 02, 2010
HPIO releases fact sheet on impact of national reform on Ohio's uninsured
As Ohio policymakers continue to implement national health reform, the Health Policy Institute of Ohio is planning to publish a series of Health Reform Fact Sheets. Over the next six months, HPIO will be releasing the short papers designed to describe the Ohio-specific impact of national reform on coverage, provider capacity, delivery system reform, information transparency, and State resources. The latest of these, finished this week, addresses Ohio’s uninsured and how they will be impacted by reform.
HPIO also has released its National Health Reform Framework — a one-page summary of implementation priorities that can be used by HPIO and others as a starting point for more detailed discussions about the challenges and opportunities related to reform.
In addition, HPIO also has created a presentation,"What Reform Means for Ohio," that describes national reform, implementation challenges, and opportunities for Ohio to improve health system performance (this presentation is ideal for strategic planning — please contact Jill Huntley at 614-224-4950 or jhuntley@healthpolicyohio.org if you are interested in scheduling Greg Moody, HPIO Interim Director, to present at your organization and/or facilitate a discussion on the impact of reform).