- Posted
- October 11, 2007
New Baldwin-Wallace HC Quarterly Report available, examines medical costs, long-term care insurance
The new issue of the Baldwin-Wallace College Health Care Quarterly Report covers issues related to cost, quality and access-to-care issues in the U.S., Ohio, and Northeast Ohio. (Source: Health Care Quarterly July/August 2007, Vol. 11, Baldwin-Wallace College.) Among the items mentioned is the Milliman Medical Index 2007, which found that the average medical cost in 2007 for a typical family of four was $14,500, an 8.4% increase from the year before. This increase is actually lower than the average annual increase of 9.3% seen from 2003 to 2007. (Source: "Total Medical Costs for Families Increase Eight Percent in 2007," Health Care Quarterly Report.)
The report also examines Ohio's new long-term care insurance partnership program, which began on Sept. 1. Under the program, "people who buy qualifying long-term care insurance, which covers a person if he or she needs care in a nursing home, assisted-living center or at home, automatically could qualify for Medicaid if they still should need it to cover their care-related expenses. In addition, long-term care insurance holders would not need to spend down all their assets before qualifying for Medicaid coverage." (Source: "Ohio Pushes Long-term Care Insurance as Medicaid Reels," Health Care Quarterly Report. Note: The program analysis is at the bottom of the linked page.)