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June 26, 2024

HPIO brief explores social drivers of violent crime, highlights policy options

(COLUMBUS, Ohio) –  The Health Policy Institute of Ohio has released a new brief that analyzes the structural and social drivers of violence and outlines evidence-informed policy and program solutions to improve community conditions, prevent violence and improve community health and safety.

The latest in a series of publications on the link between criminal justice and health, the brief includes:  

  • Data and information on the structural and social drivers of violence, including racism, income inequality, neighborhood planning, gendered social norms, education and employment, health care, housing and criminal justice.
  • Recently passed or proposed state-level policy changes that may have an impact on community violence.
  • A set of evidence-informed policy recommendations and implementation examples that Ohio can leverage to drive improvement. 

Ohio ranks 34th in the nation in homicide deaths in HPIO’s 2024 Health Value Dashboard. Like national trends, homicide in Ohio peaked during the COVID-19 pandemic but has not returned to pre-pandemic rates. 

“Even with laws and penalties such as arrest and incarceration in place, violent crime persists and causes significant harm to victims and communities,” the report states. “Community conditions and societal structures can support or prevent violent crime. Since the research evidence is clear that arrests and incarceration are detrimental to the health of individuals, families and communities, it is important to take an upstream approach for violence prevention.” 

For any questions about the analysis, or if you would like to talk with the report’s authors, please call or text Nick Wiselogel at 614.530.9918 or email


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