AEP: Children, youth and families

This resource page is part of the HPIO Addiction Evidence Project and covers a key topic relevant to the comprehensive policy response to addiction framework: Children, youth and families. Click here to view other phases of the Addiction Evidence Project.

This resource page contains the following sections:

  • Family-focused prevention: Evidence-based programs and services designed to increase positive family functioning and parenting skills, prevent child maltreatment and support youth resilience.
  • Child protective services and the foster care system: Evidence-based policies and programs that support the child welfare system, with a focus on children who have experienced drug use in their homes.
  • Kinship care: Policies and practices that support the relatives and kinship caregivers of children who do not live with their parents due to parental drug use.
  • Prenatal drug exposure: Screening and treatment for Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome (NAS) and Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASDs), as well as resources related to Plans of Safe Care.
  • Addiction treatment and recovery for parents: Recommendations and best practices for inpatient and outpatient treatment services and recovery supports for parents with substance use disorder, including allowing children to stay with their parents in treatment/recovery.
  • Supports for multi-system youth: Connections between child protective services and other systems that serve children in foster care, including mental health and addiction services, developmental disabilities services and juvenile corrections.

For other resource pages from the HPIO Addiction Evidence Project, see the links below:



This resource page prioritizes three types of credible guidance on the actions that child welfare and other stakeholders are taking to support children, youth and families who are impacted by addiction.

  • Expert consensus statements and guidelines: Recommendations developed by groups of experts convened by a federal agency or other credible organization. In most cases, these expert panels used a rigorous and systematic process to compile and evaluate peer-reviewed research evidence and translate research findings into specific implications for community-based prevention, clinical care or recovery services.
  • Evidence registries: Searchable databases or other user-friendly compilations of evidence-based policies and programs. These registries use specific screening criteria to identify effective strategies and/or rate strategies on the strength of their available evidence of effectiveness.
  • Model policies: Model legislation, regulations or programs developed by experts.

When these resources are not available, this page also includes federal government resources and academic and professional reports.


U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families

Home Visiting Evidence of Effectiveness (HomVEE)

HomVEE reviews evidence of effectiveness for specific home visiting models, indicating which models meet Health and Human Services criteria for being an evidence-based model. The reviews assess impact on a variety of outcomes, including child health, positive parenting practices, reductions in child maltreatment and reductions in juvenile delinquency, family violence and crime.

Chadwick Center for Children and Families—Rady Children’s Hospital-San Diego

California Evidence-Based Clearinghouse for Child Welfare

Searchable database of evidence-based programs related to child welfare. Rates strength of evidence of effectiveness (scale of 1-5, with 1 representing a practice with the strongest research evidence and 5 representing a concerning practice that appears to pose substantial risk to children and families).

County Health Rankings and Roadmaps, University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

What Works for Health

Searchable database of evidence-based policies and programs. Rates strength of evidence of effectiveness (scientifically supported, some evidence, expert opinion, insufficient evidence, mixed evidence, evidence of ineffectiveness). Includes outcomes such as reduced violence, improved parent-child interaction and improved child and youth behavior.

Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention

Model Programs Guide: Child Protection, Health and Welfare

Searchable database of evidence-based policies and programs. Rates strength of evidence of effectiveness (effective, promising, no effects). Includes programs relevant to substance use disorder, family reunification and the foster care/child welfare system.

National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine

Fostering Healthy Mental, Emotional, and Behavioral Development in Children and Youth: A National Agenda

This report examines the gap between current research and achievable national goals for the next ten years. This report identifies the complexities of childhood influences and highlights the need for a tailored approach when implementing new policies and practices. This report provides a framework for a cohesive, multidisciplinary national approach to improving mental, emotional and behavioral health.

Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention

Model Programs Guide: Child Protection, Health and Welfare

Searchable database of evidence-based policies and programs. Rates strength of evidence of effectiveness (effective, promising, no effects). Includes programs relevant to substance use disorder, family reunification and the foster care/child welfare system.

Child Welfare Information Gateway

Evidence-Based Practice in Child Welfare

Collection of resources that provide information on evidence-based practice in child welfare, including links to glossaries and definitions. Additional resources help child welfare practitioners understand the research base and build connections among social work, research, policy and practice, including state and local examples.

Child Welfare Information Gateway

Program Models in Family Foster Care

List of promising practices that enhance the safety and well-being of children in foster care.

Child Welfare Information Gateway

Impacts of Substance Use on the Child Welfare System

A collection of resources that provide child welfare workers and related professionals with information on the intersection of substance use disorders and child maltreatment.

Group 6

Substance Abuse and Rehabilitation, 2015

Improving the outcomes of children affected by parental substance abuse: A review of randomized controlled trials

A review of randomized controlled trials of intervention programs that are geared toward parents with substance use disorders and/or children with at least one parent with a substance use disorder. The review identifies programs that show emerging evidence in improving the behavioral and mental health outcomes of children affected by parental substance use.

Group 6

U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2010

Drug Testing in Child Welfare: Practice and Policy Considerations

Federal guidance to inform child welfare agencies as they develop practices and policies regarding the use of drug testing in child welfare services. The guidance describes the practice and policy issues that policymakers must address to include drug testing in the comprehensive assessment and monitoring that child welfare agencies provide.

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Administration for Children and Families, FRIENDS (Family Resource Information, Education, and Network D

Neglect Toolkit

Toolkit to assist community-based child abuse prevention efforts by providing promising approaches and strategies to prevent neglect. The toolkit includes information, specific examples and links to resources.

Chadwick Center for Children and Families—Rady Children’s Hospital-San Diego

California Evidence-Based Clearinghouse for Child Welfare

Searchable database of evidence-based programs related to child welfare. Rates strength of evidence of effectiveness (scale of 1-5, with 1 representing a practice with the strongest research evidence and 5 representing a concerning practice that appears to pose substantial risk to children and families).

National Institute of Justice

Crime Solutions

Searchable database of evidence-based policies and programs. Rates strength of evidence of effectiveness (effective, promising or no effects). Includes relevant topics such as drug and substance use among parents, children exposed to violence, delinquency prevention and child protection.

University of Colorado Boulder, Institute of Behavioral Science

Blueprints for Healthy Youth Development

Searchable database of evidence-based policies and programs that are effective in preventing or reducing the likelihood of antisocial behavior and promoting a healthy course of youth development and adult maturity. Rates strength of evidence of effectiveness (experimentally proven, experimental, research informed, opinion informed).

County Health Rankings and Roadmaps, University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

What Works for Health

Searchable database of evidence-based policies and programs. Rates strength of evidence of effectiveness (scientifically supported, some evidence, expert opinion, insufficient evidence, mixed evidence, evidence of ineffectiveness). Includes outcomes such as reduced violence, improved parent-child interaction and improved child and youth behavior.

Group 6

Child Welfare Information Gateway, 2016

Kinship Caregivers and the Child Welfare System

Bulletin that provides kinship caregivers with information about how to work effectively with the child welfare system. Resources, such as links to more detailed information or places to find help, are included.

Group 6

Child Welfare Information Gateway, 2018

Kinship Guardianship as a Permanency Option

Report that reviews state laws and policies that allow a family member or other person with close ties to a child who has been placed in out-of-home care to become that’s child’s permanent guardian.

Group 6

Child Welfare Information Gateway, 2018

Kinship Guardianship as a Permanency Option

Report that reviews state laws and policies that allow a family member or other person with close ties to a child who has been placed in out-of-home care to become that’s child’s permanent guardian.

Generations United, 2019

A Place to Call Home: Building Affordable Housing for Grandfamilies

Report with policy recommendations that would expand affordable housing for families in which grandparents, other adult family members or close family friends are raising children, with no parents in the home.

Family Focused Treatment Association, 2015

The Kinship Treatment Foster Care Initiative Toolkit

Toolkit that serves as a practical resource for stakeholders to implement strategies that will engage and support kin who are caring for children and youth with treatment needs.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2012

Supporting Infants, Toddlers and Families Impacted by Caregiver Mental Health Problems, Substance Abuse and Trauma: A Community Action Guide

National report that includes resources to better understand and engage the community in responding to children whose caregivers are negatively impacted by mental illness, substance use or trauma.

U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2018

Clinical Guidance for Treating Pregnant and Parenting Women with Opioid Use Disorder and Their Infants

Clinical guidelines that provides comprehensive, national guidance for optimal care management of pregnant and parenting women with opioid use disorder and their infants.

U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration, 2016

A Collaborative Approach to the Treatment of Pregnant Women with Opioid Use Disorders: Practice and Policy Considerations for Child Welfare, Collaborating Medical, and Service Providers

Expert consensus report that provides information on the treatment of pregnant women with opioid use disorders, summarizes key aspects of guidelines that have been adopted by professional organizations across many of the disciplines, presents a comprehensive framework to organize these efforts in communities and provides a collaborative practice guide for community planning to improve outcomes for these families.

Group 6

U.S. Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration, 2018

HRSA’s Home Visiting Program: Supporting Families Impacted by Opioid Use and Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome

Resource that includes essential information about the opioid epidemic, opioid use disorder and neonatal abstinence syndrome for home visiting programs. It includes research and evidence-based strategies for home visitors and their partners in early childhood, public health, substance use and mental health treatment. Promising state-level examples are also included.

National Center on Substance Abuse and Child Welfare, 2019

On the Ground: How States Are Addressing Plans of Safe Care for Infants with Prenatal Substance Exposure and Their Families

Technical assistance document that provides examples from states that have implemented comprehensive approaches to Plans of Safe Care for infants with prenatal substance exposure and their families and caregivers.

West Virginia Perinatal Partnership

Drug Free Moms and Babies

A comprehensive and integrative medical and behavioral health program for pregnant and postpartum women to support healthy baby outcomes through prevention, early intervention, addiction treatment and recovery support services.

Group 6

National Center on Substance Abuse and Child Welfare, 2018

Understanding Substance Use Disorder Treatment: Resource Guide for Professionals Referring to Treatment

Technical assistance tool designed to equip child welfare and court professionals who refer parents to substance use disorder treatment with a fundamental understanding of treatment. The tool includes a list of questions to ask treatment providers to ensure that effective linkages are made and that services are a good fit to meet parent and family needs.

National Association of Drug Court Professionals, 2019

Family Treatment Court Best Practice Standards

Best practice standards that provide a foundation for family treatment court adoption of best practices in child welfare, treatment and child/family well-being. The standards also establish a common language across various systems and programs that work with families.

Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention

Model Programs Guide: Child Protection, Health and Welfare

Searchable database of evidence-based policies and programs. Rates strength of evidence of effectiveness (effective, promising, no effects). Includes programs relevant to substance use disorder and family reunification.

National Institute of Justice

Crime Solutions

Searchable database of evidence-based policies and programs. Rates strength of evidence of effectiveness (effective, promising or no effects). Includes relevant topics such as drug and substance use among parents, children exposed to violence, delinquency prevention and child protection.

County Health Rankings and Roadmaps, University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

What Works for Health

Searchable database of evidence-based policies and programs. Rates strength of evidence of effectiveness (scientifically supported, some evidence, expert opinion, insufficient evidence, mixed evidence, evidence of ineffectiveness). Includes outcomes such as reduced violence, improved parent-child interaction and improved child and youth behavior.

Georgetown University, McCourt School of Public Policy, Center for Juvenile Justice Reform, 2015

The Crossover Youth Practice Model (CYPM): An Abbreviated Guide

Practice Model meant to improve outcomes for youth who are dually involved in the child welfare and juvenile justice systems (“crossover youth”). The model uses a research-based approach to assist child welfare, juvenile justice and related agencies in adopting policies and practices that better address the needs of these youth and improve their life outcomes.

Group 6

Models for Change, Systems Reform in Juvenile Justice, 2013

Guidebook for Juvenile Justice & Child Welfare System Coordination and Integration: A Framework for Improved Outcomes

Guidebook designed to help jurisdictions engage in a process to determine what integration and coordination efforts will best achieve improved outcomes for children, families, the child welfare and juvenile justice systems.

Group 6

Foster Family-Based Treatment Association, 2008

Implementing Evidence-Based Practice in Treatment Foster Care

Consensus report that includes a systematic review of the evidence base of practices relevant to providers of Treatment Foster Care, including interventions for post-traumatic stress disorder and abuse-related trauma, disruptive behavior disorders, depression and substance use.

National Institute of Justice

Crime Solutions

Searchable database of evidence-based policies and programs. Rates strength of evidence of effectiveness (effective, promising or no effects). Includes relevant topics such as drug and substance use among parents, children exposed to violence, delinquency prevention and child protection.

University of Colorado Boulder, Institute of Behavioral Science

Blueprints for Healthy Youth Development

Searchable database of evidence-based policies and programs that are effective in preventing or reducing the likelihood of antisocial behavior and promoting a healthy course of youth development and adult maturity. Rates strength of evidence of effectiveness (experimentally proven, experimental, research informed, opinion informed).

County Health Rankings and Roadmaps, University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation

What Works for Health

Searchable database of evidence-based policies and programs. Rates strength of evidence of effectiveness (scientifically supported, some evidence, expert opinion, insufficient evidence, mixed evidence, evidence of ineffectiveness). Includes outcomes such as reduced violence, improved parent-child interaction and improved child and youth behavior.

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