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January 31, 2025

Graphic of the week: Geographic differences in financial security in Ohio


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Recent analysis from the Health Policy Institute of Ohio found that there are stark differences in financial insecurity across Ohio. As illustrated above, for example, Ohioans living in Appalachia were more likely to live below the federal poverty level than Ohioans in other parts of the state.
The analysis was included in HPIO’s October policy brief, Creating a Financially Prosperous Ohio: Strategies to Improve Family Financial Security.
The brief highlighted data connecting financial insecurity to a variety of negative health outcomes across generations, including exposure to adverse childhood experiences (potentially traumatic events that occur in childhood). This can negatively affect children’s long-term mental, physical and financial health.
Still, Ohioans are resilient, and Ohio leaders can create environments and opportunities that allow every family to thrive. The HPIO brief includes strategies for how public and private partners can support financial prosperity and prevent childhood adversity.