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October 13, 2023

Graphic of the week

Last week, HPIO release a new data snapshot, “Updated Death Trends among Working-age Ohioans,” that found that the number of annual deaths among working-age Ohioans increased 32% from 2007 to 2022, from 25,885 to 34,146.

The analysis also found that unintentional injuries, including unintentional drug overdoses and motor vehicle crashes, increased the most from 2007 to 2022 among the leading causes of death, as illustrated above. Cancer is the only leading cause of death that decreased since 2007 for this age group.

“These mostly preventable deaths have a tremendous impact on Ohio families, communities and society,” according to the data snapshot. “In addition, the loss of a large number of working-age adults negatively affects Ohio’s economy and businesses.”