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September 01, 2023

Graphic of the week

Analysis by the Health Policy Institute of Ohio has found that alcohol-involved deaths have continued to increase over the past two decades but have risen dramatically over the last few years (as illustrated above). Alcohol-involved deaths include both deaths caused by long-term alcohol use, such as chronic liver disease and cirrhosis, and acute causes of death, such as alcohol poisoning.

September is designated National Recovery Month and state policymakers can use HPIO’s 2021 brief Health Impacts of Excessive Alcohol Use in Ohio to find a list of evidence-based strategies to reduce excessive alcohol use in Ohio, as well as examples of effective strategies for implementation across sectors. According to the brief, “Decades of research have led to a strong understanding of what works to prevent youth drinking, reduce excessive alcohol use, increase access to addiction treatment and reduce alcohol-impaired driving and alcohol-related violence.”