HPIO releases brief on Ohio Medicaid waiver plan

The Health Policy Institute of Ohio has released a new publication titled “Modernizing Medicaid Eligibility: A review of Ohio's proposal” (pdf, 6 pages).

This policy brief summarizes the Governor's Office of Health Transformation's "Medicaid Eligibility Modernization Project,"(pdf, 42 pages) a Section 1115 Demonstration Waiver request that would change eligibility for Medicaid in Ohio.

Released on June 6, the proposed waiver request has several components:

  • Simplify Medicaid eligibility categories, from the current 150+ categories to three
  • Procure and implement a new eligibility and enrollment system to replace the 30-year old Client Registry Information System-Enhanced (CRIS-E). (This system will handle eligibility, enrollment and renewals for Medicaid and other primary public assistance programs.)
  • Streamline state and local responsibility for eligibility determination