HPIO forum spurs dialogue on insurance exchange options

On Wednesday, more than 275 attendees at HPIO’s forum “Looking before leaping: An in-depth exploration of health benefit exchange options,” heard Lt. Gov. Mary Taylor, HHS Regional Director Kenneth Munson and panels of legislators and stakeholders give their perspectives on the best path forward for implementation of a health insurance exchange in Ohio.

Some presenters, such as Taylor, who also serves as the Director of the Ohio Department of Insurance, and state Rep. Barbara Sears said that until further guidance is given from the federal government, it is premature for Ohio to make any concrete decisions on whether the exchange should be run by the state or the federal government.

However, Munson argued that adequate federal guidance has been given, and because of the short timetable for implementation, it is critical that states move forward with planning. Rep. John Carney and Sen. Michael Skindell said that it would be in the best interest of the state to move forward with a state-run exchange so that it can be tailored to the unique needs of Ohioans.

Presentations from HPIO President Amy Rohling McGee, Munson and Tricia Brooks of the Georgetown Health Policy Institute, as well as the written version of Lt. Gov. Taylor’s remarks can be downloaded at www.hpio.net/events

Media coverage of the event included: