- Posted
- October 28, 2011
HPIO forum to explore payment reform strategies
The Health Policy Institute of Ohio will be hosting an educational forum at 1:30 p.m. on Nov. 2 in Hilliard to explore ways that purchasers can work together to get better value and higher quality health care.
"Controlling the Purse Strings: Opportunities for purchasers to drive health care value" will feature Suzanne Delbanco, the executive director of Catalyst for Payment Reform and former founding CEO of the Leapfrog Group. CPR is a non-profit organization working for coordinated action among the largest purchasers of health care and health plans to reform the way we pay for health care in the U.S. to improve quality and cost.
The event will also feature a panel of Ohio-based purchasers, who will discuss their efforts to increase health care quality and lower costs.
Panelists include:
- Craig Osterhues, Health Care Executive for Community Initiatives , GE Aviation (Cincinnati)
- Mike Stull, Regional Vice President, Employers Health
- Sarah Durfee, Clinical Programs Manager, OPERS
To register, or for more information, click here