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August 17, 2011
hpio news

HPIO releases primer on HIT/HIE progress in Ohio

The Health Policy Institute of Ohio has released a new primer, Making the Connection: A progress report on the history and status of statewide HIT and HIE implementation in Ohio.

Ohio is a national leader in the adoption of health information technology (HIT), with more primary care physicians signed up to adopt electronic medical record systems than any other state in the nation. Cincinnati-based HealthBridge is one of the oldest, largest, and most advanced regional health information exchanges (HIE) in the nation. In addition, the Ohio Health Information Parternship has developed and branded a statewide health information exchange – CliniSync – to serve as the infrastructure for the exchange of patient health information within Ohio and across bordering states.

Ohio’s tremendous success in the adoption of HIT and HIE required vision and commitment from a large number of Ohio stakeholders and organizations. This publication traces the history of HIT development in Ohio and provides a progress report on the completion of a statewide HIE. 

To download the primer (4 pages, pdf), click here