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July 29, 2011

HPIO to host forum on health data transparency in September

With growing support for making health care cost, quality, price and utilization data more transparent and accessible, more than 10 states have developed all-payer claims databases (APCD). By pooling data from medical claims, pharmacy claims, eligibility files, provider (physician and facility) files, and dental claims from both private and public payers, APCDs allow consumers, payers, providers, employers and policymakers to make more informed, data-driven decisions.

HPIO will host an educational forum on September 20 to further explore all-payer claims databases. Price and Quality Transparency: Demystifying the All-Payer Claims Database will feature Patrick Miller, Executive Director of the national APCD Council, who will share his expertise on how other states have gone about creating APCDs and how the data is being used across sectors for powerful data analysis.

For more information about HPIO events, visit