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December 07, 2010

Coverage and Quality Council holds payment reform summit


While many people were celebrating, shopping or decorating for the holidays, more than 140 health care providers, insurance companies, payers, consumer representatives and state government officials spent Saturday, Dec. 4, at a summit in Columbus discussing health care payment reform. 

After hearing from Harold Miller, the executive director of the Center for Healthcare Quality and Payment Reform and the President and CEO of the Network for Regional Healthcare Improvement, participants spent the day in small regional groups, building consensus on options for changing how health care is financed. 

Amy Rohling McGee, the new president of the Health Policy Institute of Ohio, attended the summit and observed that “the conversation that took place is critical to advancing practices that have the potential to improve the quality of health care at a reduced cost.” 

Miller closed the summit by stating that the answer to the question of “who” is in charge of health care is “all of you,” and encouraged further regional conversations to take place.

The Payment Reform Summit was organized by the Ohio Health Care Coverage and Quality Council.  Col Owens, the chair of the Payment Reform Task Force of the Council, said that a report on the summit will be will be made available to the public in the near future.