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September 22, 2010
hpio news

Kingsdale to speak at Oct. 14 HPIO forum on state exchanges

In two years Ohio will be mandated by the Affordable Care Act to establish a state-run health insurance exchange to enable consumers to compare benefits and prices of competing insurance plans. On Oct. 14 the Health Policy Institute of Ohio is hosting a forum in Columbus to examine the issue featuring Dr. Jon Kingsdale, the founding executive director of the Commonwealth Health Insurance Connector Authority, the first-of-its-kind insurance exchange established in Massachusetts in 2006.

Among the questions to be examined at the forum are:

  • What is the purpose and function of the exchange?
  • How should the exchange be structured and governed?
  • Who may participate in the exchange?
  • How much authority should the exchange have to negotiate plan rates and benefits?
  • What level of infrastructure, resources and money are needed to create and maintain the exchange? How will the exchange coordinate with public health insurance programs?
  • Should the state combine the small group and individual markets with the exchange?

The event is being held at the Longaberger Alumni House, 2200 Olentangy River Rd., in Columbus. The event is free, but registration is required. To learn more about the forum or to register, please click here.