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September 03, 2010
hpio news

HPIO expects to name new President by end of September

The Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Health Policy Institute of Ohio, Joe San Filippo, has announced that the HPIO Board of Directors Executive Search Committee has begun identifying and interviewing candidates for the permanent President position of the statewide organization. It is anticipated the new President will be announced by the end of September.

Greg Moody, who served as the interim leader since May 3, had contracted with HPIO’s Board of Directors to serve in the position through the end of August before returning, full-time, to his position as a senior consultant with Health Management Associates.

“We appreciate Mr. Moody’s work on behalf of HPIO during this time of transition,” San Filippo said. “It was important for the organization to continue moving forward with research and analysis, particularly in light of national health reform, and I am very pleased that our organization has been able to do that.”

If you have any questions about the leadership change or the work of HPIO, please contact HPIO Vice President and Chief Operating Officer Ted Backus at 614.224.4950, extension 315, or e-mail him at