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August 24, 2007

State Auditor Says Ohio Medicaid Could Save $400 million

State Auditor Mary Taylor says Ohio could save up to $400 million on Medicaid by following recommendations her office has put together (Source: The Cincinnati Post, Aug. 23, 2007). Among the recommendations, which grew out of an audit of Medicaid services, are creating a stand-alone agency to run Medicaid, measuring outcomes, centralizing contract magagement, moving the nursing home reimbursement formula from state law to the administrative code (thus making it easier to revise the formula), and creating a high-risk pool for uninsured Ohioans.

In an press release on the State Auditor website, it was announced that Taylor will hold roundtable discussions on her Medicaid recommendations. The first discussion was held in Columbus on August 22; future discussions will be held in Canton on September 18 and Cincinnati on September 25.