Online event
Tuesday, January 30, 2024
1 p.m. – 2 p.m.
In March 2020, the federal government passed a law that increased funding for state Medicaid programs during the public health emergency (PHE), and came with a requirement that states provide continuous Medicaid coverage to people enrolled during the PHE.
In early 2023, states that accepted additional federal Medicaid funding during the pandemic began unwinding the requirement that all Medicaid enrollees receive continuous coverage until the end of the COVID-19 PHE. In Ohio, the process of reviewing enrollee eligibility and returning to the standard eligibility determination process is expected to conclude in March 2024.
This webinar provided an overview of HPIO's Medicaid brief that details the process and analysis of how unwinding has impacted Medicaid enrollment in Ohio. Guest speakers discussed the unwinding process and shared updates at the state and county level.
Guest speakers:
- Patrick Beatty, Ohio Department of Medicaid
- Jim Ashmore, Ohio Job and Family Services Directors’ Association
2024 Educational Event Sponsors:
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