Wednesday, February 26, 2020
9:30 AM – 2:00 PM
The Conference Center at OCLC
Lakeside Room
6600 Kilgour Pl
Dublin, OH 43017
In the wake of the addiction crisis, policymakers are engaged in a bipartisan effort to reform Ohio’s criminal justice system. In late 2019, HPIO released a report, “Ohio Addiction Policy Inventory and Scorecard: Law Enforcement and the Criminal Justice System,” that takes stock of Ohio’s policy response to the addiction crisis within the law enforcement and criminal justice sectors.
This report identifies the strengths, gaps and opportunities for improvement in Ohio with a focus on equity. Participants will learn more about these findings from state and national experts.
- “Ohio’s policy response to addiction: Law enforcement and the criminal justice system,” Amy Bush Stevens, Vice President, Health Policy Institute of Ohio and Hailey Akah, Health Policy Analyst, Health Policy Institute of Ohio
- What’s on the Horizon? Sentencing and bail reform,” Marta Nelson, Senior Fellow, Strategy and New Initiatives, Vera Institute of Justice
- “Bail and pretrial in Ohio courts: A review of recent inquiries and proposed changes,” Dr. Nikole Hotchkiss, Research Specialist, Criminal Sentencing Commission
- “Drug courts: What does the evidence say?” Vanessa Price, Director, National Drug Court Institute
- “Update on specialized dockets in Ohio,” Monica D. Kagey, Manager, Specialized Dockets, Supreme Court of Ohio
- Tara Britton, Director of Public Policy and Advocacy, The Center for Community Solutions [Moderator]
- Jennifer A. Clayton, Deputy Director of Holistic Services, Ohio Department of Rehabilitation and Correction
- Melissa Fischer, Assistant Jail Administrator, Lorain County Sheriff’s Office
- Michael Heldman, Hancock County Sheriff, Chair, Ohio Jail Advisory Board
- Scotty Mays, Peer Support Specialist, Montgomery County Jail
- The general attendance fee is $65. For additional fee options, please see the registration page.
- Registration begins at 9:00 am, with program starting at 9:30 am.
- Lunch will be served, please email Alana Clark-Kirk ( with dietary restrictions.
Attorney CLE credit: This course was submitted to the Supreme Court of Ohio, Commission on Continuing Legal Education and approved for 3.5 hours of CLE credit.
Social work CEU credit: This course was submitted to the National Association of Social Workers and approved for 3.5 hours of CEU credit.
CLE reading materials
- Ohio addiction policy inventory and scorecard: Law enforcement and the criminal justice system, Health Policy Institute of Ohio (Nov. 2019)
- Report and Recommendations of the Supreme Court of Ohio Task Force to Examine the Ohio Bail System, Task Force to Examine the Ohio Bail System, Supreme Court of Ohio (July 2019)
- Changing Course in the Overdose Crisis: Moving from Punishment to Harm Reduction and Health, Vera Institute of Justice (Feb. 2020)
Cancellation Policy: Cancellations must be made in writing to Alana Clark-Kirk ( The last day to cancel registration for a full refund is one week prior to the event (Feb. 19, 2020). Refunds will not be issued for all cancellations received after Feb. 19, 2020. If you do not send us notification of cancellation prior to the event on Feb. 26, 2020, you will be required to remit the full amount of the registration fee. Those who do not remit payment will be required to pay in advance for any future events.
Note for State Employees and Legislators: Forum registration fee can be waived for all State of Ohio executive branch employees, legislators and staff. However, state employees, legislators and staff that are reportable persons should note that their attendance at the event is subject to JLEC disclosure if their forum registration fee is waived. Reportable persons are required to file a financial disclosure form (FDS) with JLEC. If you are unsure whether or not you are reportable, please consult your legal counsel.
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