Monday, November 18, 2019
10:00 a.m.– 3:00 p.m.
Cuyahoga Community College
Tri-C Metro Campus
(Campus Center building, Room MCC201)
2900 Community College Ave.
Cleveland, OH 44115
Free parking on campus
Click here to download a campus map
This regional forum in Northeast Ohio will build understanding of what state health policy is, how to impact it and how it can positively affect health. Speakers will also explore data related to the health of Ohioans, with a focus on health disparities and inequities.
The forum will feature Patricia Boozang, from Manatt Health, who will speak about opportunities for states to address social drivers of health through Medicaid policy. The Health Policy Institute of Ohio is hosting this event in collaboration with the Center for Community Solutions.
Presentation slides
- 2019 HPIOHealth Value Dashboard: Data to drive high-impact, equitable state health policy — Amy Rohling McGee, HPIO
- Policymaking basics — Becky Carroll, HPIO and Tara Britton, Center for Community Solutions
- Health equity basics — Airregina Clay, HPIO
- Evidence-informed health policy — Hailey Akah, HPIO
- Medicaid basics — Zach Reat, HPIO and Loren Anthes, Center for Community Solutions
- Addressing social factors in and through Medicaid — Patricia Boozang, Manatt Health
- Event will be held in the Campus Center building, Room MCC201
- Registration begins at 9:30 am, with program starting at 10:00 am
- The forum general attendance fee is $25
- No same day registration
- Free parking provided on campus (see map). Please DO NOT park in lot #4
- Lunch will be served (vegetarian options available). Please email Alana Clark-Kirk ( with dietary restrictions