Thursday, December 13, 2018
9:30 AM to 2 PM
Ohio University
Dublin Integrated Education Center
6805 Bobcat Way
Dublin, OH 43016
There is clear evidence that employment is an important determinant of health, and that jobs that pay sufficient wages and offer benefits contribute to better health. However, many Ohioans are not prepared for self-sufficient employment because they lack postsecondary credentials, as well as the financial resources and/or family and community support to attain them. For these adults, the journey to self-sufficiency often requires additional support from policies and programs implemented in the public and private sectors.
This forum will explore state policy strategies that can strengthen supports for Ohio learners and jobseekers, thereby increasing the likelihood that Ohioans with low incomes will find better employment opportunities and eventually become self-sufficient.
HPIO policy brief: What Works to Increase Self-Sufficient Employment
Program Agenda
Presentation slides
- “Connections between work and health,” Rachel Garfield, Senior Researcher and Associate Director, Program on Medicaid and the Uninsured, Kaiser Family Foundation and Larisa Antonisse, Policy Analyst, Program on Medicaid and the Uninsured, Kaiser Family Foundation
- “What works to increase self-sufficient employment,” Hailey Akah, Health Policy Analyst, HPIO and Zach Reat, Health Policy Analyst, HPIO
- “Overview of effective evidence-based workforce programs,” Karin VanZant, Executive Director, Life Services, CareSource
- “Translating self-sufficiency into policy,” Robert Doar, Morgridge Fellow in Poverty Studies, American Enterprise Institute
Panelists include:
- Wendy Bowles, Assistant Professor of Clinical Nursing, Assistant Dean for Baccalaureate Programs, The Ohio State University College of Nursing
- Jimmie Bruce, President, Eastern Gateway Community College
- Tim Meister, Superintendent of Schools, Four County Career Center
- Tara Rohr, Nursing Instructor, Columbus State Community College
- Rick Wegmann, Executive Director, Miami Valley Works
Cancellation Policy: Cancellations must be made in writing to Alana Clark-Kirk ( The last day to cancel registration for a full refund is one week prior to the event (Dec. 6, 2018). Refunds will not be issued for all cancellations received after Dec. 6, 2018. If you do not send us notification of cancellation prior to the event on Dec. 13, 2018 you will be required to remit the full amount of the registration fee. Those who do not remit payment will be required to pay in advance for any future events.
Note for State Employees and Legislators: Forum registration fee can be waived for all State of Ohio executive branch employees, legislators and staff. However, state employees, legislators and staff that are reportable persons should note that their attendance at the event is subject to JLEC disclosure if their forum registration fee is waived.
Reportable persons are required to file a financial disclosure form (FDS) with JLEC. If you are unsure whether or not you are reportable, please consult your legal counsel.
CLE Material:
- Click here for a complete pdf packet of all CLE material
- Garfield, Rachel and Larisa Antonisse. The Relationship Between Work and Health: Findings from a Literature Review. Henry J Kaiser Family Foundation, August, 2018.
- Health Policy Institute of Ohio. 2018 What Works to Increase Self-Sufficient Employment. September 2018.
- Doar, Robert, Ryan Streeter, and Brad Wilcox. Work, Skills, and Community: Restoring Opportunity for the Working Class. American Enterprise Institute, Opportunity America, and Brookings Institution, 2018.
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