May 04, 2021
HPIO releases latest edition of Ohio Medicaid Basics
The Health Policy Institute of Ohio has released the latest edition of its popular Ohio Medicaid Basics brief.
May 04, 2021
The Health Policy Institute of Ohio has released the latest edition of its popular Ohio Medicaid Basics brief.
April 06, 2021
Ohio ranks 47 out of all states and D.C. for health value in the Health Policy Institute of Ohio’s newly released 2021 Health Value Dashboard.
March 22, 2021
A new fact sheet from the Health Policy Institute of Ohio takes a preliminary look at the impact of the COVID-19 impact on childhood trauma and adversity in Ohio.
February 16, 2021
First-of-its-kind analysis by the Health Policy Institute of Ohio estimates that more than $10 billion in annual healthcare and related spending could be avoided in Ohio if exposure to adverse childhood experiences, or ACEs, was eliminated.
February 02, 2021
New analysis by the Health Policy Institute of Ohio has found that the race of COVID-19 vaccine recipients is unknown for more than one in eight vaccinations administered in Ohio and ethnicity is unknown in more than one in four.
January 25, 2021
As Gov. Mike DeWine’s newly created task force begins work to eliminate racial disparities in Ohio’s infant mortality rate, HPIO has released a fact sheet with action steps that policymakers can take to address the issue.
January 21, 2021
Analysis by HPIO estimates that 36% of depression diagnoses in Ohio can be attributed to experiencing multiple adverse childhood experiences, or ACEs.
January 14, 2021
Analysis by the Health Policy Institute of Ohio has found that more than two-thirds of Ohioans have been exposed to adverse childhood experiences, or ACEs.
December 21, 2020
New analysis by the Health Policy Institute of Ohio has found that COVID-19 deaths currently rank fourth among leading causes of death compared to 2019 data.
December 16, 2020
New analysis by the Health Policy Institute of Ohio has found that more Black/African American Ohioans have died with COVID-19 this year than from most leading causes of death in 2019.
December 14, 2020
New analysis by the Health Policy Institute of Ohio has found that, for the past two weeks, the weekly deaths of people with COVID-19 in Ohio have surpassed all cancer deaths during the same weeks in 2019 and are nearly as high as heart disease.
December 03, 2020
New analysis by the Health Policy Institute of Ohio has found that the percentage of COVID-19 cases, hospitalizations and deaths with unknown race has significantly increased since early September.