2020-2022 State Health Improvement Plan

The Ohio Department of Health contracted with HPIO to complete the 2020-2022 State Health Improvement Plan (SHIP), a tool to strengthen state and local efforts to improve health, well-being and economic vitality in Ohio. The SHIP is Ohio’s roadmap to address the many challenges identified in the 2019 State Health Assessment (SHA).

Ohio Department of Health’s page on the State Health Assessment and State Health Improvement Plan

What is the SHIP?

The State Health Improvement Plan (SHIP) is a tool to strengthen state and local efforts to improve health, well-being and economic vitality in Ohio. The SHIP’s main components are:
• Six priorities including three factors and three health outcomes
• Thirty-seven measurable objectives
• A menu of evidence-informed strategies
• An evaluation plan to track and report progress

With the long-term goal of ensuring all Ohioans achieve their full health potential, the SHIP takes a comprehensive approach to achieving equity and addressing the many factors that shape our health, including housing, poverty, education and trauma .

Why is the SHIP important?

The SHIP is Ohio’s roadmap to address the many challenges identified in the 2019 State Health Assessment (SHA), including a troubling drop in life expectancy from 2010 to 2017. Given the scope and complexity of Ohio’s health challenges, the SHIP calls for cross-sector partnerships and alignment on a manageable set of measurable goals.

How was the SHIP developed?

Facilitated by the Health Policy Institute of Ohio (HPIO), under contract with the Ohio Department of Health (ODH), the SHIP was developed with input from hundreds of Ohioans through:

  • Regional forums and an online survey completed in 2018 as part of the 2019 SHA (622 participants)
  • Steering Committee made up of representatives from 13 state agencies, including sectors beyond health
  • Advisory Committee with 176 participants, including subject matter experts from around the state who participated in work teams to set objectives and select strategies

How will the SHIP be implemented?

The SHIP is designed to be implemented by a wide range of public and private partners. The menu of objectives and strategies in the SHIP provides flexible options for rural, Appalachian, suburban and urban communities, as well as approaches to improve outcomes for Ohioans of all ages.

State and local partners graphic