Showing entries with tag "health care spending"
March 27, 2015
Report: Health insurance industry looks strong, post-ACA
March 18, 2015
Many lack savings to pay deductibles, study shows
February 13, 2015
Study: Medicaid copays don’t reduce non-urgent ED visits
February 06, 2015
Ohio tobacco tax would be highest in Midwest under Governor’s plan
January 16, 2015
6 Ohio health systems form health value collaborative
January 09, 2015
Insurance premiums rising faster in Ohio than in rest of nation
December 19, 2014
HPIO releases Health Value Dashboard, Ohio ranked 47th
December 19, 2014
Feds award Ohio $75m grant for plan to test payment reform
November 21, 2014
HPIO releases policy brief on population health
November 14, 2014
Study: Lowest ACA silver plan premiums up 1.2% in Ohio
October 24, 2014