- Posted
- July 19, 2024
Graphic of the week: Trends in early death among working-age Ohioans

In May, the Health Policy Institute of Ohio released a publication titled “2024 Health Value Dashboard Data Brief: What’s Driving the Trend on Early Death?” that explores the experiences and environments that lead to deaths among working-age Ohioans (ages 15-64) and provides a set of policies to drive improvement.
Previous HPIO analysis of death trends among working-age Ohioans found that Ohioans between the ages of 15 and 64 are dying at a much higher rate than they were 15 years ago, as illustrated above.
On July 24, the Health Policy Institute of Ohio is partnering with the Ohio Center of Excellence for Behavioral Health Prevention and Promotion to host a webinar take a closer look at what's driving the trend on early death.
Using data from the 2024 Health Value Dashboard, Hailey Akah, Vice President of Operations and Strategy at HPIO, will review the findings of the data brief, discussing trends and disparities in four key areas — addiction and overdose, alcohol overuse, tobacco use and violence and firearms — and spotlighting examples of policies and programs that are evidence-based to improve outcomes.
Dr. Holly Raffle, Professor at Ohio University Voinovich School of Leadership and Public Service and Faculty Director of the Ohio Center of Excellence for Behavioral Health Prevention & Promotion, will moderate a panel discussion that will highlight successful behavioral health prevention initiatives that can impact outcomes across the key areas highlighted in the data brief.