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August 31, 2012

HPIO seeks information on innovative Ohio-based projects

The Health Policy Institute of Ohio is gathering information about innovative, Ohio-based projects, programs, or models with direct implications for applied health policy.

The Institute is seeking proven or promising approaches to health-related issues that have been adopted from other industries, countries, or sectors, and that have the potential to reduce costs, improve outcomes, or increase access. For example, aviation operations have been widely credited with inspiring the use of checklists to improve patient safety and quality of care in hospital settings or the use of law enforcement data tracking models to identify poor health outcome “hotspots.”

Specifically, we are interested in programs or models related to:

  • Consumer or patient experience
  • Population health
  • Clinical diagnostics or decision-support
  • Health behaviors and/or disease self-management

This is the first step toward identifying which innovative and promising approaches we will potentially showcase at our 2nd annual innovations conference in May 2013. Please take a moment to share your learning with us by completing a brief survey.

Survey responses are due by September 14, 2012. Contact Janet Goldberg ( with any questions.