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January 27, 2012
hpio news

Ohio officials taking varied approaches to ACA implementation

Nearly two years after passage of the Affordable Care Act, Ohio officials have moved ahead quickly with some provisions of the law while taking a more cautious approach on others (Source: “Ohio takes two-track approach to health reform,” Lancaster Eagle Gazette, Jan. 19, 2012).

While Lt. Gov. Mary Taylor, who also serves as the Director of the Ohio Department of Insurance, has repeatedly called for the complete repeal of the law, the Governor’s Office of Health Transformation has employed a more pragmatic approach, taking advantage of the provisions of the law that align with the governor’s priorities.

"All of this is more complicated than an easy yes or no," said OHT Director Greg Moody. "There are aspects of federal reform ... that picked up innovation on the state level. Those are things we were going to do with or without" the federal law.

Added HPIO President Amy Rohling McGee, “"The Kasich administration is generally inclined to innovating and exploring ways to better streamline care and provide better outcomes. Where there are these sorts of opportunities for innovation embedded in the Affordable Care Act ... our state is taking advantage of those."