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January 13, 2012
hpio news

Cincinnati organization files brief in Supreme Court ACA case

Citing uninsured rates in Cincinnati, the Health Foundation of Greater Cincinnati today files an Amicus Curiae (Friend of the Court Brief) with the United State Supreme Court in regards to its review of the Affordable Care Act (“The Health Foundation of Greater Cincinnati Files with U.S. Supreme Court,” Health Foundation of Greater Cincinnati news release, Jan. 13, 2012).

The brief  was filed “in support of neither party” and was submitted in an effort to shed light on health insurance affordability and how individuals’ decision on purchasing health insurance is impacted by their income.

“The Health Foundation supports reform in the health care system, and especially making health care available for as many people as possible,” said James Schwab, President and CEO of the Foundation, in a release. “The Foundation is not taking a position on the specifics of the Affordable Care Act.”

The Health Policy Institute of Ohio has created a special Supreme Court resource page on its website featuring news, analysis and resources related to the Supreme Court review of the ACA.

[Full disclosure: The Health Foundation of Greater Cincinnati provides financial support to the Health Policy Institute of Ohio.]