Online event

Wednesday, October 27, 2021
1 pm-3 pm

Ensuring that every Ohioan has a fair opportunity to achieve good health and well-being is a shared value among public and private leaders. However, Ohioans of color continue to face barriers to health where they live, work, learn, play and age. These barriers are tied to centuries of unjust historic and modern-day policies and practices that are rooted in racism. Having a better understanding of the impacts of racism on communities of color is a necessary step toward a healthier future for Ohio.

This online forum provided an overview of the role racism has played in shaping the health of Ohioans of color. Speakers discussed barriers to learning about racism and provided new strategies for communicating on health equity.



Forum recording

This online forum was provided at no cost to participants, thanks to the generous support of our 2021 Forum Series Sponsors.

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