Online event
Tuesday, November 17, 2020
11:00 am-12:30 pm
Voters went to the polls to elect a president and members of the Ohio General Assembly. What do the results of those elections mean for the next steps in the pandemic response?
This forum will explore what’s on the horizon as a result of the 2020 election and the likely impacts on health value, equity and the future of public health.
Keynote speakers:
- Dr. Melinda Buntin, Mike Curb Professor and Chair, Department of Health Policy, Vanderbilt School of Medicine
- Dr. Trevor Brown, Professor, Dean of the John Glenn College of Public Affairs, Executive Dean of the Professional Colleges, The Ohio State University
- Dr. Umair Shah, Executive Director, Harris County Public Health Department in Houston, Texas
- Lilleana Cavanaugh, Executive Director, The Ohio Commission on Latino Affairs
- Dr. Gregory Lam, Ohio Asian American Health Coalition
- Randell McShepard, Chairman and Co-Founder, PolicyBridge, Vice President, Public Affairs, Chief Talent Officer, RPM International Inc.
- Denisha Porter, Director, All-In Cincinnati
- Tamiyka Rose, Health Equity Ambassador, Assistant to the Mayor for Public Policy, City of Akron
This online forum will be provided at no cost to participants, thanks to the generous support of our 2020 Forum Series Sponsors. Please consider making a donation to support our work.