HPIO released the 2019 Health Value Dashboard. As part of the release, we hosted three forums to explore how Ohio’s performance on health value has changed, as well as Ohio’s strengths, challenges and policy opportunities to drive improvement.
Each forum highlighted Ohio’s health and explored key themes in the 2019 Health Value Dashboard including gaps in outcomes by race/ethnicity, income/education level and disability status. Speakers addressed policy opportunities to advance improved population health, health equity and sustainable healthcare spending such as the implementation of population health improvement strategies and upstream collaboration.
Tuesday, April 30, 2019
10:30 a.m. – 2:30 p.m.
Kent State University at Stark Conference Center
6000 Frank Ave. NW, North Canton, OH 44720
Thank you to the North Canton Medical Foundation and the Sisters of Charity Foundation of Canton for their generous support of this event!
- Dr. Donald Ford, Chief Medical Officer, Better Health Partnership
- “Moving toward health value: Where we are now and how we can improve,” Reem Aly, Vice President, HPIO and Amy Bush Stevens, Vice President, HPIO
- “It’s (still) the prices, stupid!! Some inconvenient truths regarding health care spending in the United States,” Niall Brennan, President & CEO, Health Care Cost Institute
- “Moving upstream to improve population health,” Dr. Paula Lantz, Professor and Associate Dean for Academic Affairs, Gerald R. Ford School of Public Policy, University of Michigan
- “Advancing health equity and creating lasting health impacts,” Dr. Giridhar Mallya, Senior Policy Officer, Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
Panelists include:
- [Moderator] Daniel Cohn, Vice President, Strategy, Mt. Sinai Health Care Foundation
- Dr. Sonia Alemagno, Dean, College of Public Health, Kent State University
- Gretchen Bowman, Client Attorney and Acting Director, Neighborhood Housing Services of Greater Cleveland
- Brittany Pope, Director of Applied Clinical Sciences and Research, OhioGuidestone
- Dr. Judy Romano, Early Childhood Advisory Council and Ohio Chapter of American Academy of Pediatrics
- Sherry Smith, Director of Nursing Services, Stark County Health Department
CLE material and additional resources:
- 2019 Health Value Dashboard (Health Policy Institute of Ohio)
- 2017 Health Value Dashboard (Health Policy Institute of Ohio)
- Social Determinants As Public Goods: A New Approach To Financing Key Investments In Healthy Communities (Health Affairs)
- The Medicalization of Population Health: Who Will Stay Upstream? (Millbank Quarterly)
- [Video] Healthy Neighborhoods, Healthy Families Initiative (Nationwide Children’s Hospital)
Attorney CLE credit: This course was submitted to the Supreme Court of Ohio Commission on Continuing Legal Education and approved for 2.75 hours of CLE credit.
Social work CEU credit: This course was submitted to the National Association of Social Workers and approved for 2.75 hours of CEU credit.
Note for State Employees and Legislators: Forum registration fee can be waived for all State of Ohio executive branch employees, legislators and staff. However, state employees, legislators and staff that are reportable persons should note that their attendance at the event is subject to JLEC disclosure if their forum registration fee is waived. Reportable persons are required to file a financial disclosure form (FDS) with JLEC. If you are unsure whether or not you are reportable, please consult your legal counsel.
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