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October 06, 2023

Bipartisan bill in Ohio House aims to address state’s nursing shortage

A bipartisan bill was put forward this week that seeks to address Ohio’s nursing shortage, which began during the pandemic and has not improved (Source: “Bipartisan bill hopes to help Ohio's nursing shortage with staffing requirements,” Statehouse News Bureau, Sept. 29).

Rep. Haraz Ghanbari (R-Perrysburg) said the bill he and Rep. Elgin Rogers (D-Toledo) are proposing will create nursing staff requirements for hospitals that he called "legally enforceable."

The bill also creates a $20 million education loan-to-grant program for those who commit to working in nursing in Ohio for five years.

The bill is backed by the Ohio Nurses Association. The group said a statewide survey showed 7 out of every 10 direct care nurses are considering leaving bedside nursing due to current conditions, and 58 of those who have left cited patient care load as a factor. But the survey indicated around 43% of nurses would consider returning if enforceable minimum staffing standards were passed.

Upcoming ACEs event

The Health Policy Institute of Ohio is partnering with Franklin County Public Health to host a two-part event focused on preventing and mitigating Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs).

Register here