Graphic of the week



HPIO’s 2021 Health Value Dashboard concluded that one reason Ohio ranks poorly (47th out of the 50 states and D.C.) is that many Ohioans experience poorer outcomes and live shorter lives because of policies, systems and beliefs that discriminate against and unfairly limit access to resources. According to the Dashboard, racism and other forms of discrimination drive troubling differences in outcomes across Ohio. This includes racist and discriminatory beliefs and interactions among Ohioans and structural racism and discrimination embedded within systems and across sectors, rooted in ageism, ableism, xenophobia, homophobia and other “isms” or “phobias.”  As the graphic above shows, Ohioans experiencing the worst health outcomes are also more likely to be exposed to risk factors for poor health. These include trauma and adversity, toxic stress, violence and stigma, and inequitable access to resources.

Earlier this week, HPIO hosted the first meeting of its Health Value Dashboard Advisory Group as it begins planning for the 2023 Dashboard. The new edition is expected to be released in March or April 2023.

Upcoming ACEs event

The Health Policy Institute of Ohio is partnering with Franklin County Public Health to host a two-part event focused on preventing and mitigating Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs).

Register here