Graphic of the week

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Recent analysis by HPIO has found that stark differences in maternal health outcomes signal that not everyone has what they need to live a healthy life before, during and after pregnancy.

The graphic above, from the HPIO fact sheet “Racial and Geographic Disparities in Maternal Morbidity and Mortality,” shows urban and Appalachian counties have the highest rates of maternal morbidity in Ohio. Additionally, across both urban and Appalachian counties, Black mothers have the highest rates of maternal morbidity

According the fact sheet, “High maternal morbidity and mortality rates are preventable. State and local policymakers have many options to address racism and discrimination, inequitable community conditions, toxic stress and poor prenatal care access.”

Upcoming ACEs event

The Health Policy Institute of Ohio is partnering with Franklin County Public Health to host a two-part event focused on preventing and mitigating Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs).

Register here