State senators seeking ways to lower Ohio infant mortality rate

State Senators Shannon Jones and Charleta Tavares announced this week that they plan to meet with health professionals and community members across the state to discuss how Ohio can address its infant mortality rates, which are among the worst in the nation (Source: “Ohio lawmakers aim to end high infant mortality rates,” Cleveland Plain Dealer, July 24, 2013).

Jones, a Southwest Ohio Republican and chair of the Medicaid, Health and Human Services Committee and Tavares, a Columbus Democrat who sits on the Medicaid committee, have plans to meet with stakeholders in Cleveland, Cincinnati, Columbus, Dayton and Lima between late August and early October.

Ohio ranks 48th in the nation in overall infant mortality, 49th in black infant mortality and 37th in white infant mortality, according to National Center of Health Statistics.

“No matter how you slice this problem, it’s significant and way worse than the national average,” Jones said.

Upcoming ACEs event

The Health Policy Institute of Ohio is partnering with Franklin County Public Health to host a two-part event focused on preventing and mitigating Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs).

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